Pub Date: October 17, 2020
5.5 X 8.5 in | 334 pgs
Trade Paperback: 9781988989259
e-pub: 9781988989303
Silver Medal for Best Regional Fiction(Canada East) From the Independent Publisher Book Awards 2021
Longlisted for 2021 Stephen Leacock Award
Rod Carley’s Kinmount is a hit that kept me laughing and turning the pages from curtain to curtain. It’s funny, thoughtful, compelling, and filled with humane insights about people and their passions. Not since Robertson Davies’ Tempest-Tost has a community Shakespeare production been so much fun.”
-Terry Fallis, two-time winner of the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour
“Kinmount is a blast to read. It’s fast-paced, engaging, and laugh out loud of funny. If you’re not a theatre person, be prepared to enter the crazy world of small town drama in all it’s hilarious glory. And if you ARE a theatre person, beware: you’ll be wincing (and cheering on) a lot of familiar faces. Get thee to a bookstore and order!”– Vern Thiessen, Playwright
Rod Carley has concocted another hilarious romp behind the theatre curtain – a showdown between artistic freedom and censorship in rural Ontario. Kinmount is the last place down-and-out director Dave Middleton wants to revisit yet there he is directing an amateur production of Romeo and Juliet for an eccentric producer in farm country. And there his quixotic troubles begin. From cults to karaoke, anything that can go wrong does. In one hilarious chapter after another, Dave becomes the reluctant emissary of truth in a comic battle between artistic integrity and censorship. Add in a pesky ghost and a precocious parrot and the stage is set for a summer Kinmount won’t soon forget.
North Bay’s Rod Carley releases new book ‘Kinmount’
Author combines tragedy, distance for comedy: Sudbury Star, November 08, 2020
Rod Carley's humorous and timely fight for the arts
The Rod Carley Interview: The Miramichi Reader Sepytember 04, 2020
About the Author
Rod Carley
Rod’s first novel, A Matter of Will, was a finalist for the 2018 Northern Lit Award for Fiction. His short story, A Farewell to Steam, was featured in the non-fiction anthology, 150 Years Up North and More, in 2018. Rod is also an award-winning director, playwright and actor, having directed and produced over 100 theatrical productions to date including fifteen adaptations of Shakespeare. He was the 2009 winner of TVO’s Big Ideas/Best Lecturer competition. Kinmount is his second novel. Rod lives in North Bay with his wife, Marian, and their furry family: Arthur Poodle-bum, and a duo of feisty felines, Hilton and Zoe.