Deep Sea Feline
Fiction | Magic Realism
Publication date: September 23, 2023
Trade paperback: 9781988989709
epub: 9781988989716
The line between reality and fantasy is pretty squishy.
Set in the forests of Algonquin Park, Toronto, Paris, and in strange dimensions beyond, Deep Sea Feline is a sumptuous romp of a novel featuring a cast of otherworldly creatures, musicians, opera singers and painters who are tasked with saving their city and restoring the equilibrium of life.
Charlie Potichny, a failing musician, lost his mother at a young age. Twenty years after her death, a mysterious creature from another world visits him through one of her renowned paintings, gifting him with music that will turn his life and musical career upside down. As Charlie's life changes, his best friend Greg, a hedonistic opera singer, sinks into a rut of depression and drug abuse as his marriage falls apart. It slowly emerges that in passing off the mysterious creature's work as his own, Charlie has upset the power balance between two ancient gods. To restore their lives and homes, a colourful cast of neurotic artists and musicians must face their darkest fears, stage an epic opera and navigate the strange and wondrous realms of the ancient gods.
About the Author
Dave Hurlow is a Toronto-based musician, writer and educator. He was a founding member of the Juno nominated rock band The Darcys, and currently releases music as Decafwolf. A graduate of King’s College University in Halifax, his previous publications include the short story collection, Hate Letters from Buddhists (Steel Bananas Press, 2014), as well as articles on literature and music for NOW and The Ex-Puritan magazine. He also develops and facilitates creative writing and music programs for Story Planet, and is currently training to become a teacher. Deep Sea Feline is his first novel.
Learn more at davehurlow.com
Praise for Deep Sea Feline
Hurlow's written one hell of a book. It's weird, wild, funny, thrilling, fun, deep, operatic. I just don't get what he has against birds.
—Morgan Murray, author of Dirty Birds
Deep Sea Feline is mesmerizing and exhilarating. It sneaks into your psyche and sticks with you throughout the day, the month, the year... just like a great song you just cannot get out of your head.
—Jennifer Morrison, filmmaker/actor/Jen’s Bookshelf
Serious fun. Loved it. Dave Hurlow is one of those rare writers who can dig deep into the bag of weird but still somehow engineer a brilliant plot with lovable characters. A bright crackling sparkler of a mind.
—Charles Spearin, musician (Do Make Say Think, Broken Social Scene)