The Response: Practising Mindfulness in Your Daily Life
Pub Date: February 20, 2020
5.5 X 8.5 in | 256 pgs
Trade Paperback: 9781988989211
e-pub: 9781988989228
"The Response is a mindfulness bell - to wake up to the beauty, to the joys and sorrows of life and to learn from them deeply - to meet them wisely, with an open, kind, and humble heart."
-Bob Stahl, Ph.D., coauthor, A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook, Living With Your Heart Wide Open, Calming the Rush of Panic, A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook for Anxiety, and MBSR Everyday.
"Gary's kindness and humanity shine through the narratives, which are 'interesting, accessible, and thought provoking, and encourage the reader to practice mindfulness in daily life in a variety of ways.'"
- Diana Coholic, Ph.D., Professor in the School of Social Work, Laurentian University (ontario, Canada) and a researcher in the area of arts-based mindfulness with marginalized populations.
The regular practice of Mindfulness Meditation can enrich our lives with enhanced calm, clarity, insight, emotional intelligence, creativity, productivity, and wellness. Mindfulness practices are useful in addressing illness, stress, and pain. In his first book Gary Petingola walks you through easy exercises using personal narratives to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life.
Former social worker says practising mindfulness has changed his life: CBC News, February 15, 2020
Book shares tips on reducing stress through mindfulness: Sudbury Star, February 10, 2020
About the Author
Gary Petingola
Gary Petingola is a Masters prepared Social Worker, qualified to teach Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction through the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. He has received formal training with Dr. Jon Kabat- Zinn, founder of The Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School; the Centre for Mindfulness Ireland; the OMEGA Institute for Holistic Studies; Shambhala Mountain Center; and the Harvard Medical School. He has been invited to speak internationally and has published numerous articles on the topic of mindfulness. Gary lives in Sudbury, On.