The Wintermen II : Into the Deep Dark
Fiction | Dystopian
Pub Date: April 30, 2018
5.5 X 8.40 in | 300 pgs
Trade Paperback: 9781988989006
e-pub: 978198889143
Most Anticipated 2018 Spring Fiction, 49th Shelf
"… fun, wild, and springing with vivid and strange characters."
– Dave Bidini, author of 12 books and a member of Rheostatics
"The mystery is how a novel with such a serious theme at its heart manages to be so much fun to read. It’s like riding a snowmachine full throttle down a steep hill!"
– Mary Lawson, author of Crow Lake, The Other Side of the Bridge, and Road Ends
"The Wintermen II: Into the Deep Dark" continues the fast-paced saga of the first book and adds a new layer of nail-biting climate angst. "Cli-fi noir" you might call it!
– Dan Bloom, editor, The Cli-Fi Report
Brit Griffin is badass, and back with more hard-boiled mayhem in another rough and tumble romp through the dystopic Northland.
– Jason Collett, musician and curator of The Basement Revue and New Constellations
Into the Deep Dark is the second in Brit Griffin’s eco-catastrophic adventure series The Wintermen.
The north has its share of legends. On long winter nights, whispers of violence and madness can descend on those who get isolated in the deep, dark cold. Johnny Slaught his ragtag group of climate change refugees are just trying to survive in a world plunged into endless winter. But Johnny’s world is about to be rocked by the most ancient menace of all – human greed. The beast of winter is knocking at his door and has slicked back hair, a sheep-skin coat, and a pump action.
'The Wintermen II: Into the Deep Dark' a Northern Ontario dystopia: Sudbury.com, April 26, 2018
Book Review: 'The Wintermen ll: Into the Deep Dark' by Brit Griffin
About the Author
Brit Griffin
Brit Griffin is a writer and environmentalist, founder of Highgrader Magazine and works as a researcher with an Algonquin community in north-west Quebec. Her debut novel, The WIntermen was shortlisted for the 2016 Northern Lit Award for Fiction. She lives in Cobalt, Ontario with her husband Charlie Angus, and is the mother of three grown daughters.