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Pub Date: May 3, 2025 
5.5 X 8.5 in | 134 pgs 
Trade Paperback: 978-1-988989-90-7




A palpation is the feeling of one's heart, the beating and insistent rhythm inside its cage as it tries to leap free of its confines. Thomas Leduc's fine new volume of poems chronicles the life and passions of a poet who feels his heart and the heart of the world around him with articulate precision. In poems that are poignant, crafted, and powerfully visual, Leduc presents us with the voice of a new poet that is worth every meter of its pulse. 

Bruce Meyer, Author of 79 books of poetry, short stories, and bestselling nonfiction.


There are moments that change the course of a day, a year, or even a life.

Palpitations explores the journey through the twists and turns of the human experience. From childhood memories of struggling with dyslexia and what to be when one grows up, reflections on love, to the global disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thomas Leduc delves into the shared experiences that have altered the world’s perception of itself. Full of vivid imagery and deep, thoughtful reflections, Palpitations is a tribute to that which makes us human – moments that palpitate with life, longing and change.


About the Author 

Thomas L. Leduc

Thomas Leduc was Poet Laureate of Sudbury, Ontario from 2014-2016 and the President of the Sudbury Writers’ Guild from 2017-2021. His poems and short stories have been published in various magazines and anthologies. In 2019 he released his first collection of poetry, Slagflower Poems Unearthed From A Mining Town (Latitude 46). He lives in Sudbury, Ontario.

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